Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. EDI

Scott Pilgrim vs EDI
I talked earlier about the biggest movie of the summer, Inception, and about its multiple layers. It’s polar opposite was released a few weeks ago in Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Scott Pilgrim is about as single layered as a movie can get. Now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The story is still interesting and it’s filled with characters that you can actually care about. But sadly, it’s also a movie that is being overlooked for the bigger films like the Expendables. Bigger does not always equal better. Take B2BGateway.Net for instance.

Sure, we’re not the biggest EDI company on the market, but we have the highest customer satisfaction. We don’t have thousands of support people on the phone, but we have dedicated Support Engineers who knows your business and can help at any time. Our programming staff couldn’t fill a warehouse, but they consistently go above and beyond to make sure the client has the easiest transition into the Electronic Data world.

So yes, smaller can mean better. It’s not quantity, but quality. And we here at B2BGateway.Net thrive on quality. And lucky for our clients, so do they.

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