Tuesday, October 1, 2013

EDI 832 Product/Sales Catalog


The EDI 832 transaction set is an electronic Price/Sales Catalog that is used to request or provide the prices of goods or services in the form of a catalog. Just like in non-EDI transactions, suppliers and customers must exchange product catalogs to understand the products and goods being exchanged. The EDI 832 transaction set replaces the traditional paper catalog. It is used primarily by manufacturers to send vital product information to their trading partners such as retailers, distributors and agents.

The EDI 832 transaction set generally contains the following information:

·         Seller name and contact information

·         Terms of sale information

·         Physical description of items including packaging and item identification

·         Item pricing information including quantity, units of measure and discounts available

The aforementioned retailers, distributors and agents who receive the EDI 832 transaction set from their trading partner(s) can integrate the data directly with their ERP or Accounting Software solution, thus helping to automate the exchange of information. Key information contained in the EDI 832 transaction set like minimum order quantities and number of items per container provides the client with key information to be used in the ordering process.

For further information on how B2BGateway can help your organization to integrate the EDI 832 Prices/Sales Catalog into your ERP/Accounting software solution please call our sales team today on (401) 491 9595 or email Sales@B2BGateway.Net