Wednesday, June 5, 2013

B2BGateway EDI Order Portals – Receive your orders faster and error free!

Question: Are many of your customers still calling in, faxing or emailing their orders to you? Does this put a strain on your staff resources, create errors and confusion, and generally make your supply chain processes less efficient? If the answer is yes to any of the above, it is time that you considered introducing a B2BGateway Order Portal to allow efficient communications between your organization and your customers. Having a B2BGateway Order Portal will allow your organization to:

·         Display all your products on a drop down menu allowing your customers to choose which products and quantity that they would like to order electronically.

·         Eliminate paper, phone calls and email orders. Have one simple solution for your organizations order taking.

·         Import orders (EDI 850) from your customers direct to your back end Accounting/ERP software system. Full seamless, cloud based integration with no need to re-key data.

·         The B2BGateway Order Portal will be fully customized with your organizations, branding, colors and logos.

·         Reduce costs, errors and labor associated with manual data entry.

·         Add or delete customers as the need arises.

·         Communicate special offers, end of product lines, events or trade information.

·         Be compliant with all global EDI standards including ANSI X12, UN/EDIFACT, EANCOM, Tradacoms, Odette, XML etc.

What are the benefits for your customers?

·         As the solution is web based your customers will not need to invest in additional hardware or software systems – all they will require is a computer and an internet connection.

·         Your customers will be able to create, send, save and edit all orders that they send to your organization.

·         Past orders can be copied to create a new order in order to facilitate easy ordering.

·         There is an on screen record of all transactions and your customers will have the ability to edit their own company information and login passwords.

·         It helps speed up the ‘Order to Payment’ cash cycle and streamline the overall supply chain process.

For further information on B2BGateway’s Order Portal and how it can help you achive great overall supply chain efficiencies between your organization and your customers please click here or email Sales@B2BGateway.Net



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