Monday, August 23, 2010


“Go Green.” It’s a phrase that’s been thrown around a lot recently. It seems every company in the world is being graded on how environmentally friendly they are. Even a big network like NBC dedicates a week every year to a green peacock logo and making all of their shows touch on the environment in some way.

Being a company that works in Electronic Data, we’ve been a green company since the start. Paper has a safe home here whenever it shows up. Packs of paper like to sit and make a home on our shelves. There aren’t any smoke stacks poking up out of our offices. We are intrinsically one of the most environmentally safe companies that you will come across. Which is good news for that pond across the street. No EDI spills for B2BGateway.Net Too bad we don’t have a network like NBC to really show it off.

Besides, I have a hard time believing NBC will be able to top having Al Gore appear on 30 Rock rushing off to save a whale. ...I wonder if he does corporate gigs.

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