Tuesday, January 29, 2013

B2BGateway.Net records 35% growth during Holiday Season 2012.

B2BGateway.Net, specialists in global EDI and eCommerce Data Integration, have just announced that they have helped client’s complete over 4,100,000 transactions during the Holiday Season 2012. This represents a 35% increase in completed transactions when compared to the same period in 2011.
B2BGateway.Net attributes this substantial growth to increased consumer confidence, the extended shopping period associated with online eCommerce sites and the large number of new clients who outsourced their EDI requirements to B2BGateway.Net throughout 2012.

According to Kevin Hoyle, CEO B2BGateway.Net;

“This is a great testament to the quality of solutions and customer service offered by B2BGateway.Net. The popularity of online eCommerce sites greatly extends the shopping and delivery period, with orders being accepted and shipped right up until December 23rd. According to comScore, Cyber Monday in 2012 accounted for $1.5 billion dollars in US spending alone.  Four or five years ago most orders had to be placed and shipments received by the end of October at the very latest for the Brick & Mortar Stores.”

B2BGateway.Net is looking forward to continued growth throughout 2013 as many organizations now realize the benefits of integrating EDI with their online eCommerce stores and their third party logistics providers (3PL’s). Having full seamless EDI integration between all trading partners and the client’s ERP/Accounting software removes the need to re-key data, reduces errors and hastens the ‘order to payment’ cash cycle.

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