B2BGateway, the leading global EDI solution
provider will be attending the Natural Products Expo East trade fair which
takes place in the Baltimore Convention Center from September 22-24, 2016.
Natural Products Expo East is the East Coast’s Largest
natural, organic, and healthy products event with over 22,000 attendees and
1,800 exhibitors. Each year Natural Products Expo East draws top retail buyers
from independent stores, natural market chains and big box retailers – all with
the mission to find the newest and hottest products shaping the future of the
healthy living marketplace. Market categories represented at Expo East include
natural and specialty food and beverages, supplements, pet, natural living and
beauty. New emerging trends include:
Foods and beverages with floral ingredients such as
hibiscus, elderflower and chamomile.
Coffee fruit, the refreshing and flavorful anti-oxidant
rich and anti-inflammatory fruit.
Snacks using avocado oil, which has always been GMO free
and is paleo friendly.
The majority of large scale box store
retailers and natural markets chains require all suppliers to become EDI
(Electronic Data Interchange) compliant for the exchange of electronic business
documents such as Purchase Orders (EDI 850), Purchase Order Acknowledgements
(EDI 855), Advance Shipment Notifications (EDI 856) and Invoices (EDI 856).
Suppliers can also use the EDI for seamless communication with their 3PL’s for
Warehouse Ship Orders (EDI 940) and Warehouse Ship Advice (EDI 945).
By using B2BGateway’s cloud based EDI solutions the supplier can
integrate with all relevant parties in their supply chain. Full integration
removes the need for the supplier to re-key data when exchanging electronic
business documents with trading partners, leading to greater accuracy,
increased labor efficiencies and expediting the order-to-payment cash cycle
with customers.
If you would like to meet with the B2BGateway team attending
this year’s Natural Products Expo East, please email Sales@B2BGateway.Net