Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Advantages of adding ASN/GS1-128 labels to your EDI supply chain process.

üThe ASN (Advance Ship Notice) and GS1-128 label (formerly known as UCC-128 label) will provide a link to the original PO sent by the trading partner(s).

üImplementing ASN and GS1-128 labels between trading partners and suppliers is not just seen as best business practice, but it will also speed up all party shipping and receiving procedures.

üThe automation of the supply chain with the introduction of ASN/GS1-128 labels will help decrease manual labor costs and reduce errors.

üAll ASN/GS1-128 label standards are global – this alleviates confusion from global suppliers.

üThe ASN/GS1-128 label standards apply throughout the entire supply chain, from raw materials supplier to manufacturer to distributor/wholesaler to end user/retailer.

üThe ASN/GS1-128labels can be used for both inter and intra-company transactions.